What's your bag plan?

Posted on: July 13, 2020

Disclaimer: This blog reflects information accurate at the time of its original publication. It has been preserved for archival purposes and may not reflect the most up-to-date details or developments.

The lightweight plastic bag ban is now in play so it’s time to kick the over-reliance we’ve had on plastic bags and establish new habits.

shopping with reusable bags

Having to shell out for heavier duty bags EVERY SINGLE TIME you shop doesn’t make good sense – for your wallet or for the environment - so it’s time to choose your personal bag plan and make new routines stick.

Your options might include:

  • Reusable bags
  • Cardboard boxes
  • Your hands
  • Baskets
  • A personal shopping trolley
  • Boomerang bags

Remember – whatever bag plan you choose, the key is to make sure it works for you. Make sure your chosen vessel is on hand when you need and look for even more opportunities to say ‘no thanks’ when offered a plastic bag.

We’d love to see what you’re personally doing to #BYOBag so make sure you tag @WastesortedWA on Facebook and @wastesorted on Instagram in your pics and videos!

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