How To Throw A Low-Waste Party
How to throw a low-waste birthday party. Ideas to help reduce waste at children’s birthday parties, keeping kids happy without making too much rubbish.
Posted on: July 13, 2020
Never part with a favourite pair of jeans prematurely again with this great hack to help bring faded items back to life.
Dyeing denim items is probably easier than you think, and by giving items of clothing a longer life you'll help to avoid creating unnecessary textile waste. It's an easy impact to own, plus you'll be able to enjoy a sense of pride in bringing something back from the scrap heap.
Identify the items that you'd like to reinvigorate. We recommend doing a couple of items at a time (probably no more than five, as you’ll end up with a less intense colour). If you have any stretch denim in the mix you'll need to check the proportion of synthetic material in these to ensure you select the right kind of dye.
Choose your colour, and type of dye. Most denim will colour well with a standard dye, but if you are trying to colour fabrics containing more than 35% polyester you’ll need to choose a variety specifically designed for synthetic materials.
To get a rich indigo blue we recommend using a mix of black (2 parts) and navy blue (1 part). If you're looking for a lighter blue use less or no black. For black denim a 200ml bottle should provide the results you need.
Get prepped. Set yourself up in a laundry, and make sure you have access to lots of hot, ideally boiling, water. Follow the directions on your chosen dye - many will recommend adding a cup of salt to assist with the intensity of colour. Add enough water so that your items can move freely, then mix in the dye.
Add your favourite jeans – it’ll work best if these are already wet, and are unfolded so that the dye can easily access all areas. If you’re re-colouring multiple items we recommend putting the ones you would like to have the richest colour result in first.
Stir. Stir. Stir! You’ll need to stir regularly for between 30-60 mins. If you’re attempting to dye multiple colours a dark colour, we suggest grabbing a book and settling in for the full hour.
When your soaking time is up you’ll need to rinse with cool water until it starts to run clear, then pop it in the washing machine with mild detergent and an old towel (to help catch any dye that comes out). And voila – you’ve got a good-as-new pair of jeans to wear!
How to throw a low-waste birthday party. Ideas to help reduce waste at children’s birthday parties, keeping kids happy without making too much rubbish.
Giving items a second life is one of the best ways to be a GREAT Sort. These are our – and your – favourite op shops in Perth and further afield. Last updated: July 2022
Did you know that in the past 70 years around 8.3 billion tonnes of plastic has been produced globally, but that only about 9% of it has been recycled? Pretty depressing right?