Expert tips: How To Have A Low Waste Festive Season
Wondering how you can make a positive impact this festive season? Why not take a leaf out of some of WA’s most waste savvy individuals and organisations’ book.
Posted on: July 10, 2020
Recycling is all about putting just these five types of items into your recycling bin at home: paper, cardboard, cans (steel and aluminium), plastic (bottles and containers) plus glass (bottles and jars). All these things, and only these things.
Give your items the best chance of being recycled by placing them in the bin loose. The sorting machines can’t do their job otherwise, and items whizz past too fast for workers to save anything in a bag. Keep it loose by simply emptying out your bag or container that helps get your recycling from the kitchen to the kerbside bin.
Regardless of what they are made from, nappies should only ever be placed in the general waste bin. Only the empty cardboard box they come in can be recycled.
Be A GREAT Sort: Consider going ‘old school’ and use modern cloth nappies instead of disposables.
Empty and rinsed is the mantra when it comes to good recycling practices! Wash or scrape out any remnants of food or, for example bathroom items like soap, conditioner and shampoo, before you put the empty container in the recycling bin. This helps to prevent contamination and improve recycling rates. It’ll also stop your recycling bin at home from smelling funky and attracting pests.
Small plastic lids, like those found on milk and soft drink bottles need to be removed and placed in with your general rubbish. It may sound counter-intuitive, but these small items can wreak havoc with the sorting machines and reduce the amount that can be recycled in the long-run.
Be a GREAT Sort: WA is the only Australian state to accept back the lids of eligible 10c containers. Stash the lids so you can return them when you next visit your nearest refund point or take them to your community drop-off points that collect these items.
Once you’ve got this five sorted, here’s a few more for you to remember to keep out:
For information on what you should be doing with all of these items visit our Recycle Better top tips.
Wondering how you can make a positive impact this festive season? Why not take a leaf out of some of WA’s most waste savvy individuals and organisations’ book.
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