How to create a low waste event without wasting the fun
16,000 GREAT sorts attended the East Fremantle George Street Festival last December with less than 40kg of waste sent to landfill.
Posted on: July 13, 2020
Disclaimer: This blog reflects information accurate at the time of its original publication. It has been preserved for archival purposes and may not reflect the most up-to-date details or developments.
Wondering how you can make a positive impact this festive season? Why not take a leaf out of some of WA’s most waste savvy individuals and organisations’ book.
“Always have a plan - whether it is for food, entertainment or gift giving, having a plan will be the most useful tool for saving time, money and waste!
Amanda Welschbillig, Co-founder, Wasteless Pantry
“Gift consumables!”
Emma Young, Journalist
"I use gift bags and always reuse any gift bags that I receive.
Pam Van Effrink, Landlord
Work hard to understand the type of waste YOU are responsible for. We all need to make sure we understand the waste in our lives and continually assess what type of waste is actually necessary. The next step is to collaborate with those around us that can help us make changes to eliminate the unnecessary.
Daryl Naidu, Owner, New Normal Bar and Kitchen
Send family and friends home with a container of food on Christmas day - they get to have a break from cooking and reduce food waste at the same time!
Download and consult the Recycle right app on your mobile device to identify which type of waste can be recycled and how. Also remember “if in doubt, throw it out” when it comes to recycling.
Michael Emery, Energy Manager, Crown Perth
Give vouchers for experiences. Theatre tickets or a trip to the zoo can make a great low-waste gift”
Rebecca Prince-Ruiz, Executive Director, Plastic Free July Foundation
Avoid buying presents for presents’ sake. Buy quality items that will last – this is especially true when it comes to electronics.
Michael Coghill, Co-Founder, Total Green Recycling
Make sure you recycle all paper and cardboard – it’s a simple action that will reduce landfill and save trees!
Kathy Anketell, Sustainability Program Coordinator, Lynwood Senior High School
Before you can own your impact you need to face your waste! Sign up to be a clear bin ambassador.
Geoff Atkinson, Education Manager, Mindarie Regional Council
Remember small changes can make a big difference. Take on board one or all of the top tips suggested by the 2018 Infinity Award winners and you'll be on the road to helping to cut WA's waste. For more inspiration follow WasteSorted on Facebook or Instagram.
16,000 GREAT sorts attended the East Fremantle George Street Festival last December with less than 40kg of waste sent to landfill.
Tips on what you can and can’t place in your kerbside recycling bin if you live in Western Australia. This back-to-basics article will help you to recycle better.
Chucking together a ‘use-it up meal’ is a great way to save time, money and food from going to waste. Each year, GREAT Sorts across WA save around $1000 by creating healthy and fresh meals from the things they have in their pantry and fridge.